sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Lecturas Recomendadas: Dixit, Eichengreen

Dos lecturas cortas recomendables.
Eichengreen vuelve a escribir sobre el problema europeo, Europe’s Inevitable Haircut, y ahora discute la alternativa de una reestructuración, que paree verla como inevitable
Jeremy Cliff, del FMI, en la revista Finance & Developmen hace un "profile" de Dixit... seguramente muchos alumnos reconocerán este nombre de sus cursos de organización industrial o del modelo Stiglitz-Dixit sobre competencia monopolística... en todo caso vale la pena leerla... y por cierto, esto menciona respecto a la teoría económica en relación a la crisis reciente...
“Going forward, I think some of the most fruitful research will come from a better integration of financial theory and macroeconomic theory. It may be supplemented by better recognition of rare major events, something that already exists in financial theory, but is less assimilated into financial practice than it should be.
“But the real fault was not so much in economic theory as, if you like, in the political and business world, where people actually swallowed some of the simplistic views about the wonder of markets too much without recognizing the hundreds of qualifications that Adam Smith and a number of others have told us about, and we should all have known about.” ...

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