jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Más Sobre Banco Central, Funciones, Transparencia e Independencia

El tema del banco central, sus funciones, su independencia y la sustitución o ratificación del Gobernador se presentan simultáneamente en Estados Unidos y en México. El día de hoy está compareciendo Bernanke ante el senado de su país, después de que Obama lo propuso para un nuevo periodo. En su testimonio valdría la pena rescatar los siguiente:
...We also have renewed and strengthened our longstanding commitment to transparency and accountability. In the making of monetary policy, the Federal Reserve is highly transparent, providing detailed minutes three weeks after each policy meeting, quarterly economic projections, regular testimonies to the Congress, and much other information. Our financial statements are public and audited by an outside accounting firm, we publish our balance sheet weekly, and we provide extensive information through monthly reports and on our website on all the temporary lending facilities developed during the crisis, including the collateral that we take. Further, our financial activities are subject to review by an independent inspector general. And the Congress, through the Government Accountability Office, can and does audit all parts of operations, except for monetary policy and related areas explicitly exempted by a 1978 provision passed by the Congress. The Congress created that exemption to protect monetary policy from short-term political pressures and thereby to support our ability to effectively pursue our mandated objectives of maximum employment and price stability.
….And, as we move forward, we must take care that the Federal Reserve remains effective and independent, with the capacity to foster financial stability and to support a return to prosperity and economic opportunity in a context of price stability
Creo que son puntos importantes a considerer en nuestro país. Ayer ya discutía algunos de ellos en mi columna en el Universal.
También recomiendo la columna de Isaac Katz del lunes en el Economista, Burradas, a propósito de una propuesta en el Congreso sobre el papel y funciones de Banco de México.

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